Friday, August 19, 2011

Facebook Applications

Facebook applications are the latest hype. I have seen so many videos on how to work with iFrame, friend techniques, and friend swaps that I am beginning to think that many will become mainstream commodities within days or weeks. All of the techniques I have seen so far do not surprise me and much of it is done by unscrupulous people trying to spam the rest of the world with their junk on our facebook pages.

On the bright side, this is an opportunity to share expertise and learn new things. For me, I am putting together a 50 Tips and Tricks eBook on Social Media and I will certainly include all of the pointers I get from watching these videos. Most importantly, I am able to weed out the ones that are so common place no one should ever buy them. I did find a good one last night that creates applications for your site and allows you to make money by helping others with their fan pages at the same time. Kudos to Sam Bakker! ( Something of substance for sure.

I also came across another great resource in I immediately signed up for the free portion of the site and have learned a great deal from David Lockley. His take on fan pages and all the nuances have really opened my eyes to all the possibilities. If you want to learn more test both of those sites.

Dr Bette Daoust

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The 5 Pillars and the Impact of Wellness

What is wellness? To me wellness is about taking care of all aspects of a person's life. With the 5 pillars I have put together are the aspirations to total wealth, wellness is a part of each one.

You need to have wellness in finances, social activity, mental and physical components as well as spiritually (not necessarily religion). At what level in each area do you sit? Are you perfect in every area or do you need to work on specific aspects?

I know for myself I am comfortable in all areas but I do not excel in any one area. My finances could be better and my social activity could surely increase. (Somehow the two of these tie together). I am good physically and mentally as well as spiritually.

The initial problem is how to increase my wellness in all areas without one area suffering. If one area is doing well, will it suffer if I spend more time working on another part of my life? I guess that is entirely up to me - keeping pace with what is working and adding extra effort into the areas for improvement.

There are many theories around how to manage yourself. One states to let your strengths take care of themselves and work on the weaknesses. Yet another is to work on the strengths and let the weaknesses build as a result. Ultimately the choice is yours and my opinion will not sway you either way. I just know that wellness impacts strengths and weaknesses in the same way.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My 5 Pillars

I have often wondered about keeping life in balance. It seems that we all make attempts to have balance with limited success. In my opinion, balance would be boring with very little drama to make life exciting.

So what are my 5 pillars? Financial (money, wealth, career), Social (relationships with family, friends, your community and more), Mental (life long learning, the challenge of trying something new), Physical (healthy eating, exercise, and weight management), Spirituality (not religion per se although it can be, living in nature and the appreciation for everything around us, being in tune with the universe).

This blog is the beginning of a book that will explore each of the pillars with the help of my audience. As I enter new information, comments are welcome!